Emergency Dentistry in Rapid City, SD

Emergency Dentistry in Rapid City, SD

Sometimes, a cracked tooth, broken crown, or some other oral health problem that requires immediate attention occurs at an inconvenient time. These situations are when emergency dentistry is needed. Our dentist is here to help you when you have a dental issue that needs attention right away. For example, if you chip a tooth or lose a filling, our dentist can replace it on the same day to relieve pain and sensitivity as soon as possible.

The dentist can discuss replacement options if you’ve lost a crown and are in pain. Depending on the circumstances, the dentist may be able to make a temporary acrylic crown for you to wear until your permanent one is made. This can save your tooth while waiting for the restoration to be made. Also, our dentist offers same-day dental crowns, depending on the circumstances. If you have a problem that you can’t fix, call our dentist immediately to schedule an appointment at Dr. Rice Area Dental.

When Is Emergency Dentistry Needed?

Sometimes, emergency dental treatment is necessary. An emergency is when an injury or severe pain occurs, and immediate treatment is needed. Dental emergencies can result from an accident leading to a broken tooth or a tooth being knocked out entirely. Here are a few of the common emergencies that our dentist can help with:

  • Jaw pain
  • Broken teeth
  • Severe bleeding after an injury
  • Missing a tooth or several teeth
  • Sudden sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures in your teeth or mouth
  • Swelling inside your gums that isn’t going away
  • Chronic pain in your back teeth that lasts for more than a week
  • Pain in your jaw area that makes it uncomfortable and difficult for you to open your mouth
  • Gums that are sore, swollen, or tender to the touch

The Advantages of Emergency Dentistry

Your tooth may have sustained damage that needs to be repaired immediately to avoid complications with the surrounding teeth. For example, if you chip your tooth, you could sustain an infection that spreads to the rest of your mouth over time. An abscess, an infection around the root of the tooth, could develop. Severe disease can cause facial, neck, and head swelling. It can also cause a fever and severe pain. For these, a root canal procedure is often the only solution to save the tooth once the infection has spread to the root.

You can also avoid the cost of extensive dental treatment in the future by treating any dental problems now. On the other hand, if you avoid seeking immediate treatment after an injury or toothache, you might end up spending a significant amount of money on more complex treatments in the long run.

Any time a problem occurs that needs to be addressed immediately, emergency dentistry becomes necessary. For the best dental services, visit Dr. Rice Area Dental at 3712 Canyon Lake Dr., Rapid City, SD 57702, or call (605) 342-3939.

Visit Our Office

Rapid City, SD

3712 Canyon Lake Dr, Rapid City, SD 57702

Email: areadental@wehealteeth.com

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Office Hours

  • MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • FRIBy appointments only
  • SAT - SUNClosed
(605) 342-3939